If the recommendations did not help or you experience difficulties during installation or removal, contact Kaspersky customer service by choosing the topic and filling out the form. You can also try removing a Kaspersky application using the kavremover tool. In the Saving objects window, select the License information or Subscription information checkbox.

Kaspersky Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium.Download the installer from the Kaspersky website.Password to Kaspersky Password Manager / main password. See the Online Help page for instructions. Password to Kaspersky for Android / secret code. Tap Forgot access code and follow the instructions to recover it.

Patch Management for remote installation of software patches. Password to Kaspersky Safe Kids / access code. If restarting the computer did not help, reinstall the application: Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus All that you have in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud plus an extra layer of protection for your company Web Control and Device Control for better productivity management. The issue can occur after installing Windows updates or operating system malfunctions. When starting a Kaspersky application, you may see the Loading the application window that appears on the screen for a few moments, and then nothing happens and the application does not start. Nach einem Signatur-Update am Wochenende klagen Administratoren von Servern mit Kaspersky Anti-Virus über hohe Systemlast bis hin zum kompletten Stillstand des Systems. Kasperskys deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into innovative security solutions and services to protect businesses.